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Tories show no respect for war heroes who stood up to Germany

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Tories show no respect for war heroes who stood up to Germany - Page 2 Empty Tories show no respect for war heroes who stood up to Germany

Post by James73 Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:13 am

First topic message reminder :

Florence Green, the last living veteran of World War I, died last Saturday at the age of 110. Florence, who was Britain's sixth oldest person, was 17 when she joined the newly-formed WRAF in September 1918 in the final months of the conflict.

You would think the Government would have prepared a state funeral for her, as a tribute for all the men and women who spilt their blood in the name of the United Kingdom. But no such tribute is forthcoming. The Tory government, hopelessly out of touch with our nation's respect for its war heroes, has prepared no special ceremonies whatsoever.

The Tories have no respect for the heroes of Great Britain. The Tories don't understand our history and culture. The Tories must go.

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Tories show no respect for war heroes who stood up to Germany - Page 2 Empty Re: Tories show no respect for war heroes who stood up to Germany

Post by KnarkyBadger Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:51 pm

Adele Carlyon wrote:I think the best parties will be in the pit villages... Wink

Definitely! From Kent to Yorkshire to Wales!


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Tories show no respect for war heroes who stood up to Germany - Page 2 Empty Re: Tories show no respect for war heroes who stood up to Germany

Post by Stox 16 Wed Aug 01, 2012 1:46 am

Adele Carlyon wrote:I think the best parties will be in the pit villages... Wink

Good god yes.... what's more who could blame them. only the right would do that.
Stox 16
Stox 16

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Tories show no respect for war heroes who stood up to Germany - Page 2 Empty Re: Tories show no respect for war heroes who stood up to Germany

Post by Redflag Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:00 pm

Phil Hornby wrote:" I promise to be a good girl from now on!"

Damn. Just as it was getting interesting.

But what self-respecting fire would consume her? And would Satan let her in anyway? Surely even Hell has some standards... Shocked

You got this one right PH, as an earlier poster said SHYTE does not burn also I do suppose that Hell does have its standards to keep up.

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Tories show no respect for war heroes who stood up to Germany - Page 2 Empty Re: Tories show no respect for war heroes who stood up to Germany

Post by oftenwrong Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:41 pm

KnarkyBadger wrote:Theres supposed to be a huge party in trafalgar sq. the day it goes. But i suspect that'll be another Met arrestathon

Not necessarily. Traditionally the Metropolitan Police have been very skilful at reading the public mood at any given moment. They like positive headlines as much as any political party.

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Tories show no respect for war heroes who stood up to Germany - Page 2 Empty Re: Tories show no respect for war heroes who stood up to Germany

Post by Stox 16 Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:52 pm

oftenwrong wrote:
KnarkyBadger wrote:Theres supposed to be a huge party in trafalgar sq. the day it goes. But i suspect that'll be another Met arrestathon

Not necessarily. Traditionally the Metropolitan Police have been very skilful at reading the public mood at any given moment. They like positive headlines as much as any political party.

The Met also enjoy the overtime payment they get too
Stox 16
Stox 16

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Tories show no respect for war heroes who stood up to Germany - Page 2 Empty Re: Tories show no respect for war heroes who stood up to Germany

Post by oftenwrong Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:13 pm

If you believe some newspaper reports, the Met earn more from "bungs" than they would ever get in wages.

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Tories show no respect for war heroes who stood up to Germany - Page 2 Empty Re: Tories show no respect for war heroes who stood up to Germany

Post by Redflag Mon Aug 20, 2012 12:07 pm

bobby wrote:As I've allways said, I don't much care if she has a State or a paupers funeral, so long as the Bitch is still breathing when they hammer the lid closed on her box.

I think a cardboard box would do the job for that old backstud, then find the Muddiest part of the river Thames and sling in the cardboard box in and watch it sink to the bottom where she belongs along with the other SCUM of the earth. cheers

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Tories show no respect for war heroes who stood up to Germany - Page 2 Empty Re: Tories show no respect for war heroes who stood up to Germany

Post by Stox 16 Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:41 am

oftenwrong wrote:If you believe some newspaper reports, the Met earn more from "bungs" than they would ever get in wages.

Some how that does not quite surprise me OW ha ha
Stox 16
Stox 16

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