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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Adele Carlyon
Phil Hornby
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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by tlttf Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:17 pm

First topic message reminder :


There’s a gulf between ­politicians and the people, the government and the governed

Former independent MP Martin Bell
20th July 2012
By Daily Star Reporter

LABOUR leader Ed ­Miliband is one of 90 MPs who has never had a job in the “real world”.

A whopping one in seven members have worked only in politics while others, including Deputy PM Nick Clegg, have done only brief stints as lobbyists or PRs.

And Labour, heavily backed by trade unions, has twice as many MPs who have never worked ­outside politics as the Tories or Lib Dems.

Former independent MP Martin Bell said the shock figures, in study by the House of Commons Library, were ‘‘a very dangerous development’’.

He added: “There’s a gulf between ­politicians and the people, the government and the governed.”


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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by Stox 16 Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:13 pm

polyglide wrote:Phil Hornby would be well advised to see the dictionaries explanation of a liar and then study all the evidence regarding Blair.

He could also learn from what the German warmongers are facing and after many years.

It matters not wether the war was right or wrong Blair lied on several occasions and he should suffer the consequences.

Blair may be a good politician but you can have the best doctor in the world who has saved thousands of lives but if he kowingly kills just one pacient then he is just as guilty of murder as Blair is of being a war monger and a liar.

I do not expect the former to understand the implications [Phil Hornby]
he is obviously sadly lacking in the brain department.

O dear just one more anti Blair post to go with all the rest of them from the right wingers. all this because the Tory party last three times to him. well now you know what it was like when we had to put up with maggot wining

Stox 16

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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by Stox 16 Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:18 pm

Mel wrote:"does the best he/she can for the nation as a whole."

Like Cameron and Gideon for example poly??

"There is no excuse for anyone to lie, to excuse one because another does is nonsensenicle."

The same applies to posters retaliating with "derogatory" remarks either.
Sarcasm is also the lowest form of wit.

If as you say you are experiencing abuse, then you should according to the rules of this forum, report to the abuse to the Moderator of that board.

Hi Mel
I would just like to say that no one on this forum has suffered what I would call real abuse at all. well not in my view anyway
Stox 16
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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by Redflag Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:17 pm

Re this thread topic = A BIG FAT YES, and before the right wingers on here start to shout most of this Tory gov't have not had a REAL job in there entire life's in fact a hard days work for any of them would put them on there backs for a fcuking month.

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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by Tosh Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:35 pm

Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?


p.s. A union official is not a real job, is it now ?

LMAO. lol!

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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by oftenwrong Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:33 pm

With all the barriers currently being erected against Benefits Claimants, perhaps this might be a good moment to introduce Aptitude Tests for would-be MPs.

What sort of questions might such a test include?

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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by Tosh Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:36 pm

What sort of questions might such a test include?.

Are you in Politics only to help others ?

If they answer yes, they have failed, call it a truth test.

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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by Tosh Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:37 pm

Do you have a clean moat ?

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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by oftenwrong Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:44 pm

A lie shall not pass my lips.

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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by Adele Carlyon Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:28 pm

Would you do this job for free?
Adele Carlyon
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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by Ivan Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:49 pm

Would you do this job for free?
Shirina and I do this job for free. The 'perks' that come with it include being accused of deleting threads, taking drugs and being on the Labour Party payroll.
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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by Tosh Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:53 pm


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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by Tosh Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:55 pm


You will go to heaven, and we wil never meet.

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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by blueturando Sat Oct 06, 2012 3:53 am

Dont worry Tosh....2 of those were mine Suspect


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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by Redflag Sat Oct 06, 2012 8:36 am

Mel wrote:Better to have sold gold at a knock down price in time of need and disaster, rather than sell off or privatise everything in sight ( the countries silver).
Thanks Thatcher!!!
The Darford crossing is earmarked for SALE as an example, money goes to money, profit before service. Feed the already full at all costs, Tory ideology.

Betty, can you find us a good word for Gideon, seing as you seem to like bashing Chancellors? Or are you waiting untill he is out of office before slating him off? Perhaps you think he is wonderful. Do please enlighten us.

Mel the right wing will NEVER slate that dick head Gideon even though we all know that his brains are in his groin area, if he has any to start with and from his Plan A that is very doubtful, Thanks for telling me about the Dartford crossing with living in Scotland I do not get to hear about what is going on in England although I do buy English newspapers about twice a week, so the Tories are up to there old old tricks "If it moves SELL IT".

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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by Ivan Sat Oct 06, 2012 2:16 pm

Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?
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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by Guest Sat Oct 06, 2012 2:36 pm

Ivan wrote:
Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

No. We the People of each constituency must never be effectively disenfranchised by having their rights to vote for whomever they choose abridged by unnecessary restrictions upon the eligibility of candidates imposed from afar.


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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by Redflag Sat Oct 06, 2012 4:38 pm

Ivan wrote:Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

A definite yes then we may get MPs that understand where we are coming from, but then again if a Tory did a hard days graft he/she would be on there backs for a month. lol!

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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by oftenwrong Sat Oct 06, 2012 5:02 pm

The question is a valid one, and worthy of discussion. It must be helpful if the Postmaster General began his career as a postman, the Transport Minister can drive, the Chancellor of the Exchequer was an Accountant or that the Attorney General has a law degree (though he usually does, for obvious reasons).

The perpetuating nonsense is that any Minister is qualified to do any and all the Ministerial functions of any Department of State. They may be given four different jobs within 3 years and are expected to assume full knowledge and responsibility within three days of a Prime Minister's "re-shuffle". The current confusion over allocation of railway franchises has rather exposed the inherent weakness of that system.

Last edited by oftenwrong on Sat Oct 06, 2012 11:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by Guest Sat Oct 06, 2012 5:26 pm

Redflag wrote:
Ivan wrote:Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?
A definite yes then we may get MPs that understand where we are coming from, but then again if a Tory did a hard days graft he/she would be on there backs for a month.

If you didn’t get MPs that understand where y’all are coming from, that’s because y’all didn’t vote for MPs that understand where y’all are coming from. If y’all didn’t vote for MPs that understand where y’all are coming from, then y’all ought to ask yourselves why y’all didn’t vote for MPs that understand where y’all are coming from. Once y’all get your answer, maybe next time y’all will vote for and get MPs that understand where y’all are coming from. Y’all don’t need someone dictating from afar to do this.

Power to the People!

(For God's Sake) Give More Power to the People - The Chi-Lites

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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by Redflag Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:54 am

RockOnBrother wrote:
Redflag wrote:
Ivan wrote:Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?
A definite yes then we may get MPs that understand where we are coming from, but then again if a Tory did a hard days graft he/she would be on there backs for a month.

If you didn’t get MPs that understand where y’all are coming from, that’s because y’all didn’t vote for MPs that understand where y’all are coming from. If y’all didn’t vote for MPs that understand where y’all are coming from, then y’all ought to ask yourselves why y’all didn’t vote for MPs that understand where y’all are coming from. Once y’all get your answer, maybe next time y’all will vote for and get MPs that understand where y’all are coming from. Y’all don’t need someone dictating from afar to do this.

Power to the People!

(For God's Sake) Give More Power to the People - The Chi-Lites

I think your post a tad condescending, if you take a look at what Scam..er..on promised before the 2010 election and then what happened when he got in "The Exact Opposite". lol!

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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by sickchip Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:09 pm

Prior to commencing their role as mps I think all politicians should have to spend 6 months living in a run down / deprived area and have to survive only on benefits for bills, food, rent, clothes, travel, phones, etc.

Maybe then they'd see that life opportunities, and scope for 'social mobility', is almost non-existent for these people. Maybe then they'd recognise the gross inequalities that exist and realise how some people are disgustingly priveleged; and that the playing field is so far from level we should be ashamed to call ourselves 'Great' Britain.

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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by Guest Mon Oct 08, 2012 5:17 am

sickchip wrote:
Prior to commencing their role as mps I think all politicians should have to spend 6 months living in a run down / deprived area and have to survive only on benefits for bills, food, rent, clothes, travel, phones, etc.

Then vote accordingly. You don’t need someone from afar compelling you to vote as that someone dictates.

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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by Guest Mon Oct 08, 2012 5:59 am

Redflag wrote:
RockOnBrother wrote:
Redflag wrote:
Ivan wrote:Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?
A definite yes then we may get MPs that understand where we are coming from, but then again if a Tory did a hard days graft he/she would be on there backs for a month.
If you didn’t get MPs that understand where y’all are coming from, that’s because y’all didn’t vote for MPs that understand where y’all are coming from. If y’all didn’t vote for MPs that understand where y’all are coming from, then y’all ought to ask yourselves why y’all didn’t vote for MPs that understand where y’all are coming from. Once y’all get your answer, maybe next time y’all will vote for and get MPs that understand where y’all are coming from. Y’all don’t need someone dictating from afar to do this.

Power to the People!

(For God's Sake) Give More Power to the People - The Chi-Lites
I think your post a tad condescending, if you take a look at what Scam..er..on promised before the 2010 election and then what happened when he got in "The Exact Opposite". lol!

I never condescend. The fact that you’ve concluded that I condescend to you indicates that you know nothing of who I am.

In the early 1960s, on a half-cross-continent car trip of 1,660 highway miles, in the middle of a hot prairie area, ambient temperature 100 plus degrees F, car not air conditioned, my father stopped to get gas (petrol to you) at a remote gas station in the middle of nowhere.

My father’s son, that would be me, upon seeing the modern refrigerated water fountain setting gleaming in the sun next to the building, said, “Daddy, I’m thirsty.”

My father said to the attendant, “My boy is thirsty. Do you have a water fountain?”

The attendant said to my father, “Nigras can get water out of the coke bottle setting on the ground over there. Just fill it up from that water hose.”

Dad told me to stay in the car as the attendant asked, “Fill ‘er up?”

My father asked in a friendly manner, “How far is the next town?”

“Ten miles”, answered the attendant.

“Give me a quarter’s worth”, replied my father. Back then, a quarter, twenty-five cents, would buy a gallon of gas. Our car, a Chevrolet Impala, got between fifteen and seventeen miles per gallon.

The attendant did as instructed and then asked why only a quarter’s worth of gas.

Dad’s face turned grim. He looked the attendant dead in the eye and said, “A quarter’s worth of gas will get me to the next town. I’ll fill it up where my son can get a drink of water like young man.” Dad then pulled away without another word.

At a gas station in the next town, Dad said to the attendant, “My boy is thirsty. Do you have a water fountain?”

The attendant replied, “Yes, sir, right over there”, and pointed to a modern refrigerated water fountain setting gleaming in the sun next to the building.

As I exited the car to get my drink of water, I heard Dad say to the attendant, “Fill ‘er up.”

Did you listen to the video? Nothing condescending about it.

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Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election? - Page 3 Empty Re: Should MPs be required to hold down a job prior to standing for election?

Post by Redflag Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:44 am

sickchip wrote:Prior to commencing their role as mps I think all politicians should have to spend 6 months living in a run down / deprived area and have to survive only on benefits for bills, food, rent, clothes, travel, phones, etc.

Maybe then they'd see that life opportunities, and scope for 'social mobility', is almost non-existent for these people. Maybe then they'd recognise the gross inequalities that exist and realise how some people are disgustingly priveleged; and that the playing field is so far from level we should be ashamed to call ourselves 'Great' Britain.

That is one great idea SC, that would separate the men from the boys, it would also show who has a backbone and it would also show that living on benefits is not all its cracked up to be.

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