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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

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Phil Hornby
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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by Ivan Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:05 am

The politically incorrect comedian Bernard Manning once said: "I tell jokes. You never take a joke seriously”. Hmm, I’m not so sure.

Jeremy Clarkson is known to be a right-wing Tory and a personal friend of Cameron in the Chipping Norton set, along with Rebekah Brooks. His so-called humorous attack on public sector workers is typical of the Tory mindset which dismisses nurses, teachers, dinner ladies and cleaners as having “non-jobs”. Of course there’s no such thing as a non-job, except in the financial sector, where gambling has replaced work. Anything which involves a person earning money, paying tax and participating in society is a job.

Clarkson’s comments were directed towards ordinary hard-working people who are worried about how they are going to afford 5% inflation, higher education costs for their children, care for their parents and their own care in old age, all on frozen pay which is declining in real value. His sick humour is designed to draw attention away from the government’s miserable attempts to demonise these strikers.

Clarkson has made a career out of insulting more people than the Duke of Edinburgh has ever managed, but it’s all so boring. We had 'shock jocks' on the radio many years ago, and Bernard Manning’s humour bordered on racism. Clarkson is no better. On global warming, he said: "Let's just stop and think for a moment what the consequences might be. Switzerland loses its skiing resorts? The beach in Miami is washed away? North Carolina gets knocked over by a hurricane? Anything bothering you yet?"

Clarkson said that the United Nations should start thinking seriously about abolishing some languages: “What’s the point of Welsh? All it does is provide a silly maypole around which a bunch of hotheads can get all nationalistic”. On a chat show, he placed a 3D plastic map of Wales into a microwave oven and switched it on. He later defended that by saying: "I put Wales in there because Scotland wouldn't fit”. He attacked Gordon Brown by calling him “a one-eyed Scottish idiot”, as well as calling him the ‘c’ word (which is censored on this forum!).

If Tweeting and jokily threatening to blow up an airport warrants an arrest, shouldn't a wisecrack about the mass execution of strikers be similarly rewarded? Or at the very least, should the BBC tell this motormouth to get on his bike? He wouldn't like that either, since he says that motorists should knock down cyclists. Nice chap.
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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by astra Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:27 am

The BBC has moved much of it's programme production to Salford I think it is, and he came out with derogatory remarks about the City AND it's people! It was NOT humerous in any way to this Scot who has lived in England for 30 years. INFACT, I would say that it is cretins like Clar er C (WHY does his name start with the same letter as the prime minister's?~) again I would say that it is cretins like Clar er C who get decent Enlish personages a hard time in Scotland and certainly in Wales!

I feel he should do what the Japanese Generals did at the surrender in 1946?!!!
I feel he should first do a Johnathan Ross and be sacked by the BBC (Just like any of us public sector workers who by accident or design bring the Company into disrepute!)
The BBC should see him as a loose cannon, and put quick drying cement down the barrel!! Twisted Evil
This is NOT his first GAFF! How many appologies does this idiot have to offer?
I do not accept appologies any more, as I find, that once absolved, my antagonist comes back with more of the same! ME BAD? NAH! I leave it to my tormentor's conscience to consider - IF he/she has one!! Twisted Evil )

I hardly watch ANY BBC and am NOT persuaded to watch any more of their tripe if this is the best they can come up with - NO the appology was NOT 1/2 squirming enough.
If I am fortunate, I feel I will not pay the licence early next year!!

(What can they do to me, that I have to be afeard of??) Question

PS I would LURVE to be a 'fly on the wall' at the next meeting of the Chipping Norton (correct place?) canal boat club!!

PPS Ivan Thank you bless!

Last edited by astra on Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:03 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : this has got 'to' me! anyone noticed?)

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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by Phil Hornby Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:49 am

Generally I am all in favour of Clarkson being let loose in full flow since it provides a high-profile example of what a real Tory looks like - rude , arrogant, self-opinionated and ignorant in matters of common decency. It says it all about their kind.

Of course there are degrees of acceptability in making 'jokes'. While it may have become everyday parlance to say somebody 'should be shot ', one wonders how Clarkson would feel about anyone who voiced the view that they hoped his children (if he had any) would die of an incurable disease? Would that be funny?

Knowing Clarkson's manner and his Tory-type priorities, it would be far more likely that he would become upset if somebody were to voice the opinion that his car should be scratched in a traffic accident. Clarkson : a repulsive big-headed individual typifying all that is usual about a sneering Tory leading light...
Phil Hornby
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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by bobby Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:34 am

My feelings exactly Phil, In fact I would go one further and suggest the Beeb give him a prime time chat show, with a free hand regarding his guests, what a show of true Toryism that would be, and what an advert for why never to vote for the pond slime (thank you for that wonderfull expression V) ever again.
The down side is that Clarkson is doing us out of a job, as no matter what we say about the Tory Turds, we could never show just what his ilk are really like, whereas he can do it in just one sentence.

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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by blueturando Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:50 am

Unfortunately for all you people with a sense of humour failure, Jeremy Clarkson is very popular with most of the general public. If you saw Question time last night most of the people in the audience couldn't believe what all the fuss was about.
I guess the left wing luvvie infested media don't like him, but tough!!!


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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by astra Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:00 pm

Let's see what happens if the Unison members boycott the Sunday Times and All affiliated papers to which he contributes!

Edit - Bloo, I ain't a labour supporter, and if I suggested that you should be exrerminated in front of your kids, you would rightly be straight down my throat.

If Anjam ChoudARAY SAID IT, i HAVE NO DOUBT YOU WOULD BE SAYING lock him up!!! BUT THIS OUT OF TOUCH MILLIONAIRE IS OK? because he is caucasian?

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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by blueturando Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:15 pm

If you think kids will actually believe that strikers would shot (In Britain) then you seriously underestimate the intelligence of out children.... Please dont make our children the scape goat for your prejudice against Clarkson.

Many people have spouted about hanging bankers (on this forum too) and many mums work as a cashiers in banks earning their 20k a year...Do you think their kids thought mummy was going to be hanged? Well no probably not because they are not as stupid as many adults..... no names mentioned

Last edited by blueturando on Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:29 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by Ivan Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:16 pm

Phil. Clarkson has three children. He took out one of those super injunctions “to protect his family” and prevent his first wife from disclosing that their sexual relations continued after he married his second wife. Once the story was all over Twitter, he voluntarily lifted the injunction as it was pointless.

Everything about Clarkson is insensitive and in bad taste. His jibes about “suicides holding up trains” must be nice for relatives of people who have killed themselves on the railways. His latest outburst must be delightful for anyone who has had members of their family shot in front of them. I see he's now apologised, but that’s meaningless. He’s apologised previously for his sick remarks, but he still does it again.

Clarkson, who sees members of ‘Greenpeace’ as “eco-mentalists and old CND lesbians”, tries to pass off his bullying as ‘banter’. As a child he was expelled from at least one school for bullying, and it’s hardly surprising that he’s a Chipping Norton crony of ‘Flashman’ Cameron. The Tories must expect to be called ‘the nasty party’ when their leader associates with scum like Clarkson.

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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by blueturando Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:35 pm

Astra......If Anjam Choudary says things like this then he is not making it in a light hearted jokey way and has followers who would quite willingly and probably have carried out such acts. I dont see a history of Top Gear viewers going on killing sprees...do you? Come on get serious!! Or I should say, stop being so serious about nothing


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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by Ivan Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:24 pm

When Clarkson was a trainee reporter on 'The Rotherham Advertiser' in 1979, he joined the picket line outside the paper’s offices when journalists took industrial action over pay and working conditions.

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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by blueturando Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:33 pm

Ivan....that's good!!! So now you know this was said in jest. Thank you for pointing this out to everyone


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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by blueturando Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:59 pm

If you read MSN pages it seems most people agree...I'm afraid most of you are out of touch....or just part of the dictatorship trying to stop free speech if it doesn't agree with your own political view point

Richard Potter (Avoncliffe)
4 minutes ago
What a total over the top reaction to a comment! And it just goes to show what a bunch of no marks there are, especially the Union idiot who likened Clarksons comments to that of Gadaffi. The fact is that both public and private sectors need each other to survive but there is an imbalance in pensions and pay that must be addressed. Those in the private sector create the wealth, those in the public sector don't. But the former needs the latter and vice versa. New Labour cynically created jobs in the public sector to garner votes, just the same way as they cynically re-arranged the county boundaries to increase their chances of maintaining power. God forbid what mess we'd be further in if they had won the last election. Yesterdays strike was no where near as supported or successful as some in the media and Unions would have us believe. And isn't it interesting to note that although nearly two million public sector workers went on strike, the country carried on as if nothing had happened. Bloated public sector Three people doing the job of one? You betcha!!

julie millard (northerner60)
6 minutes ago
These complaints are ridiculous, it was a joke. I didn't see Frankie Boyle being forced to make a public apology for his truly inappropriate comments about a disabled child. It seems the public are very fickle. Many of these strikers have a job for life which is more than many of us have. My partner who is self employed, lost a days pay because he has a contract to take disabled kids to school. Sorry, no sympathy here

Ian (isdt)
21 minutes ago
Lets face it, he is only saying what most of us who work in the private sector are thinking. These people who work in the public sector don't know their born. Bring them in line with what we have to put up with in the private sector, and if they don't like it, boot them out!!!

Lisa Moore
24 minutes ago
Jeremy Clarkson really does make ma laugh. He always makes off the cuff comments, and usually gets blasted for them. BUT 98% of the public usually agree with him, it is just that we are not in a position to make our thoughts public. Carry on Jeremy!

graham seery
27 minutes ago
I think that we should all strike over what Clarkson said.
He is in the media after all.
And there is no such thing as bad publicity.

abi abi
29 minutes ago
The brain is full of different thoughts and some are annoying and hurtful.

Jenny Taylier
35 minutes ago
I don't know why people are getting so het up. Jeremy Clarkson is one of the most irritating people on tv and he just spouts a load of nonsense. He is not funny at all and when he comes on I just switch over. Don't know exactly what he gets paid for cos he has no talent at all.

James McMullan (Four Wheel Driver)
39 minutes ago
Unbelievable! 21,000 complaints from whom?

Anyone that watches Top Gear knows what Clarkson is like and accept that he is middle aged 'laddish' and quite funny and personable with it. It is a unique program in many ways with a strong chemistry between the three rather disparate characters that present the show. Clarkson's remarks are generally exaggerated when he is poking fun, and although I did not see the edition where he made the comment that appears to have ruffled sensitive feathers I too believe that the comment in question was harsh. To suggest shooting strikers in front of their families was not a good thing to say...the families should have been left out of it altogether.
My guess is that the strikers have been encouraged to write in by their unions to curry sympathy. No sympathy from me I am afraid as I do not agree that the poor should fund sectors that pay themselves larger pensions than the people receive that they are expecting to part-fund their futures. That is immoral.
As for the petty morons that complained...for goodness sake, get a life.

Mayor Bee (willf1)
53 minutes ago
Id shoot them too if guns weren’t illegal...


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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by Ivan Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:28 pm

If you read MSN pages it seems most people agree...I'm afraid most of you are out of touch....or just part of the dictatorship trying to stop free speech if it doesn't agree with your own political view point
blue. Nice piece of anecdotal evidence there, consisting of nine opinions (how does that compare to over 21,000 people who have complained to the BBC?). The most interesting comment was from the lady who rightly says that Clarkson has no talent. He likes driving cars fast, so what? So do plenty of teenage yobs, but we don’t put them on television.

I believe very strongly in free speech, as I hope this forum shows. Some comments on another board which make me feel sick – and which have probably cost us a member – are still there for all to see. It doesn’t mean we can’t protest when we disapprove, since that’s also free speech.

Clarkson’s so-called humour is often politically motivated, none more so than his dirty attacks on Gordon Brown. I note that he doesn’t attack Pickles for being a fat porker, or Gove for looking like Archie Andrews. Clarkson was doing his bit for the Tories on the day of the strike, taking the side of this awful government which has provoked industrial action by tens of thousands of people who have never been on strike before.
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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by Phil Hornby Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:39 pm

What is particularly attractive about Tories is their propensity to dig deeper and deeper into the sewer when anyone is remotely critical of them or their singularly unpleasant views.

I admire their willingness to display so openly just what an awful boil on the backside of society they are! Keep up that good work of mimicking a swarm of files gorging the dog mess on the pavement of politics...! Very Happy
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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by astra Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:40 pm

Blue, If I said HALF or what clarkson has come out with, I would have been sacked for bringing the companies I worked for - Bus, Train, Ambulance and newspaper into disrepute! No holiday pay and no holiday money and pension forfeit! and not even kiismebum from clarkson and his supporters! ALL with Tory legislation put up after Cheltenam GHQ and Spycatcher! Level Playing Field? Do you REALLY think "We are all in this together?"

Come on get serious!! Or I should say, stop being so serious about nothing

OH, I am quite serious. Further, I would like to see Phillipino, Indian and Nigerian hospital staff take him to court for incitement and predjudice - as this is exactly why most of them have refuge in this country! I was on my back for weeks and got to know these boys and girls quite well

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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by jackthelad Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:16 pm

Clarkson say's he has nothing to apologise for he hasn't said anything wrong, when he realised his job was on the line he apologised. I don't call what he is doing a job though, he contributes nothing, not like nurses, schoolteachers, and the like.
It is usually those that don't contribute who have the most to say, and always in a negative fashion. Take away nurses and schoolteachers, people will suffer, take away Clarkson no one suffers. in fact to a lot of people it would be a bloody relief.
Shoot all the strikers, nurses, schoolteachers, and all the others that went on strike who do a responsible job, he would probably be the first to complain when there was no one to teach his kids or see to there injuries.
I am supprised the government hadn't got the police out to harrass them lilke they did the miners, i know what it is to strike, i was a miner, and people don't strike on a whim. I was on the receiving end of the treatment doled out by a Tory government, Clarkson is a Tory, so we shouldn't expect anything less from a Tory.


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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by oftenwrong Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:58 pm

This is a very sad story for a number of reasons.

Jeremy Clarkson is an Entertainer by profession, not a Politician, Doctor, Lawyer or similar Pillar of the Community who should be seen as role-model for the Young. Clarkson's public persona is of an enfant terrible who says shocking things like "I'd rather plunge red-hot needles into my eye-balls than drive another car like the ZXYQ9." To which most people respond by laughing, as intended.

Within the BBC, Jeremy Clarkson is the official Buffoon, as London has its Boris. He's expected to earn his crust by making outrageous remarks. It's made him very wealthy, and like many others to whom that adjective applies, he mixes with others of similar status. In his case the press-dubbed "Chipping Norton Set". It's not exactly the same as Monte Carlo, being a windswept hillside market town with traffic-choked streets and Pubs that are closing faster than a Banker's wallet.

History will not record Jeremy Clarkson's bon mots alongside those of Doctor Johnson or Oscar Wilde, or even Jonathan Woss, and those people who have taken such deep umbrage at his chattering will have been made to feel a bit silly.

I overheard a couple discussing a (different) TV programme scripted by Ricky Gervais, which they said was him just trying to make other people look small. How I laughed.

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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by Ivan Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:56 pm

blueturando wrote:-
I'm afraid most of you are out of touch....or just part of the dictatorship trying to stop free speech if it doesn't agree with your own political view point
Clarkson isn't a great advocate of free speech, having only recently dropped a super injunction against his ex-wife.

Clarkson made his sick remark on the same day that the Met Police announced they were training many more officers in the use of plastic bullets and water cannon. Perhaps the fear that strikers on some future protest may actually end up being shot in front of their families is not so far-fetched. The relatives of about 4,000 protesters who have been murdered in Syria might agree.

Two young men are sitting in prison, serving four-year sentences, for inciting (but not participating in) a riot, simply because of comments they made on Facebook. If they deserve punishment, so does Clarkson.
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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by oftenwrong Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:50 pm

A Tory observer interviewed on the BBC Radio 4 "Today" programme, said he thought that this episode confirmed what he had always believed - that their sense of humour deserts first those who are furthest to the left.

Well, he would say that, wouldn't he?

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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by Ivan Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:58 pm

Meanwhile, another Tory has complained because Meryl Streep's film 'The Iron Lady' begins by portraying Thatcher as an old lady with senile dementia.
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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by oftenwrong Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:17 pm

Specifically, Michael Portillo, though of course he may not be the only or indeed the last one to make such an observation.

Among the FIRST however must be numbered the latex-cartoonists Luck and Flaw in Spitting Image.


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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by jackthelad Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:27 pm

Cameron refuses to condem his friend Clarkson about his comment about shooting strikers in front of their families.
All he has to say it was a silly comment, that is from from the master of silly comment.
Cameron is the man that condems Labour for it's contributions it recieves from the Unions, Labour was born out of the unions. Now the Conservatives are funded by the banks, now if it is obscene for Labour to be funded by the unions, then it is doubly obcene for the Tories to be funded by bankers, hedge funds, property tycoons, and other City activities. People who have caused this financial problem in the first place, and the government expect the workers, the poor,the pensioners to pay for the mess.

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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by Shirina Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:28 pm

"Okay, but seriously. Why aren't conservatives funny?

I mean on television, where the "conservative" point of view is now represented by Dennis Miller, Fox's Half-Hour News Hour, and Red Eye -- assuming any or all of them are still on the air. I've only seen a little of each and then I stopped watching because, as you know, they're not funny."


"So why aren't they, or any other right-wingers, funny? On the surface it makes no sense. Why should political ideology affect humor when it doesn't affect earnings potential or charity-giving or most anything else?"

"This came to me in an email. It's more proof that the only kind of humor Republicans understand is mean spirited and contains physical harm to someone:"


"It’s a theme I haven’t touched upon in a while, but gawd, conservative humor sucks. Really bad. Think Dennis Miller. That American Carol movie. And that FOX News ripoff of the Daily Show that lasted a month or so, and nobody remembers. Why? I think it’s because, ultimately, the nastiness always comes through. They can’t hide the real contempt (not the satirical sort) that they have for anyone not like them."


"Ironically, it was Dennis Miller himself who once remarked that Jerry Lewis made him laugh when he was trying to be serious and left him stone-faced when he was trying to be funny. That is exactly the reality of right wing comedy — they’re only funny when the humor is unintentional."


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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by witchfinder Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:40 pm

I hated Bernard Manning so much that I was actualy glad when he snuffed it, infact I remember saying to people in the pub "bloody good ridance".

I wouldent say I feel the same about Jeremy Clarkson but I realy do not like the man, and never have done, he is a big kid who gets paid to play with big kids toys, watched and viewed by big kids.

He is very self opinionated, believes that his opinion somehow counts more than anyone elses, he has made offensive remarks about Welsh people, Norfolk and people from Norfolk, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, the Green Party, Greenpeace, he has phsicaly attacked people he disagrees with at public events.

I realy do not understand why the BBC continue to employ him
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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by oftenwrong Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:08 pm

I hate opinionated people. Don't you?

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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by Phil Hornby Sat Dec 03, 2011 9:18 pm

It was predictable that Tory fans would give immediate knee-jerk support to Clarkson. As Ivan suggests, it will be an entirely different story when any of their sacred cows are the subject of poor-taste comments. And talking of sacred cows, Thatcher is a highly-likely target...!

Love free speech. Hate hypocrisy... Crying or Very sad
Phil Hornby
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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by Phil Hornby Sat Dec 03, 2011 9:49 pm

oftenwrong wrote:I hate opinionated people. Don't you?

Personally I always seek to follow my late father's approach to such matters. When anyone disagreed with him he used to say : " If you are content to be wrong, that's fine with me..." Very Happy
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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by oftenwrong Sat Dec 03, 2011 10:04 pm

I'm very much looking forward to seeing Meryl Streep's interpretation of the Iron Lady, especially that part where she is immersed in oil which is gently brought to boiling point.

What do you mean, that's not in the film?

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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by Phil Hornby Sat Dec 03, 2011 10:08 pm

I heard that scene was cut in favour of the bit where she is taken out and shot in front of her family ( well, not Mark, obviously, as he was in prison somewhere in Africa)...
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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by True Blue Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:07 am

witchfinder wrote:I realy do not understand why the BBC continue to employ him

Please... wake up and smell the banality that is everywhere around you. Clarkson is mainstream fodder for the masses who are gluttons for it.
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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by oftenwrong Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:33 am

QUOTE: "Please... wake up and smell the banality that is everywhere around you. Clarkson is mainstream fodder for the masses who are gluttons for it."

Tell us why he isn't on the X-factor then.

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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by True Blue Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:16 pm

oftenwrong wrote:QUOTE: "Please... wake up and smell the banality that is everywhere around you. Clarkson is mainstream fodder for the masses who are gluttons for it."

Tell us why he isn't on the X-factor then.

Shame on you for knowing he isnt!
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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by oftenwrong Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:35 pm

We only have it on because the dog seems to be amused.

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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by bobby Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:08 am

I'm glad my Mother didnt hear the stupid remark. She and my Nonna three aunties along with some cousins where carted off to Piazza Tre Matre in Rimini during the 2nd World War to witness the execusions (shooting by fireing squad) of her cousins along with others, who where accused by the Germans of being Partisans (which they where). I,m sure my Mother and her Family would hold Clarkson in extreemly high regard, had they heard him.

That said he once made a remark about the selfishness of suicides who throw themselves under trains, saying how the cause many others to be late for work, and the effect it has on the train driver, in this case he was almost correct, esspecially in the effect it has on the train Driver, and others who have to deal with it. I know this from personal experience whilst serving on the London Ambulance Service, I had the job of picking up the remains (bits) of a 9 year old girl who was playing on the train lines at New Cross, South east London. I nearly left the job that day, but thankfully didn't, but the memory of the incident is still very much with me to this day. At the time my own Son was also 9 years old, and bought the incident very close to home. I would hate to have the memory the train driver had to carry, as when I left him, he was in a fearfull state and under sedation, administered by a doctor.

Astra may be able to verify the trauma of such a job as he too served on the Ambulance Service.

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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by kentdougal Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:16 pm

Wow I've just woken up this is a forum for public sector workers past and present. Including possibly London underground drivers (I nearly said workers) ripping us off for 50 grand a year so they won't go on strike for the Olympics.Don't start me on the other feather bedded public sector workers who seem to feel they are exempt from the economies that have to be made for us to recover from the amount of our money thrown at the sector by the previous lot in a vain attempt to buy votes.

Last edited by kentdougal on Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:26 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo)

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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by Phil Hornby Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:14 pm

Quote : " Don't start me on the other feather bedded public sector workers who seem to feel they are exempt from the economies that have to be made for us to recover from ....(blah blah ad nauseam...)"

Oh, go on kan'tdobuggerall - don't stop just when you were getting warmed up, having dribbled with fury all over your Daily Mail... Very Happy
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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by oftenwrong Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:25 pm

Public seeker worker? Who he?

Talent-show contestant?

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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by kentdougal Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:35 pm

Typo amended.
Why is all this left wing fury with the Daily Mail is it because it picks up the nonsense of PC,health and safety, union excesses, Governments excesses including the present one , the amount of public sector over staffing, money eating useless quangos. Is that too much like a public information service for you?

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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by Phil Hornby Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:30 pm

" Is that too much like a public information service for you?".

I think the phrase for which you are groping is : ' unadulterated and exaggerated bilge and propaganda service'... Very Happy

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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

Post by oftenwrong Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:10 pm

It has been alleged that The Daily Mail originated the phrase YCMIU - and it's what they usually do, make it up.

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Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family? Empty Re: Should Jeremy Clarkson be taken outside and shot in front of his family?

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