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Voluntary euthanasia

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Voluntary euthanasia Empty Voluntary euthanasia

Post by Papaumau Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:16 pm

As I just came to the site a few days ago I have not managed to get round all of the topics here, and as such I hope that I am not resurrecting, ( excuse the pun ), a thread that has already been debated and exhausted.

Please accept my apologies if it has and I missed it !


As a non-religious person I find no problems connected with this idea so long as enough safe-guards are in place to ensure that the person who wants to die has good reason and is not being pressurised to do it. ( There are many reasons why this could happen ). Of course the person themselves should be of sound mind and not depressed either.

As I see it this is a matter for civil law and it does not have to be a matter for religion unless the person in the discussion wants it to be.

Sadly, I know that religion DOES have a big say here as many of the theists feel that we should all live within the rules that their theisms lay down.

I do not think that that is fair or reasonable as even although my time is a long ways off, ( I hope ), I also hope that I can be allowed self-determination when the time comes.

What do you good folks think of this idea ?



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Voluntary euthanasia Empty Re: Voluntary euthanasia

Post by oftenwrong Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:00 pm

Euthanasia is legal and readily available in the UK.

It's a routine procedure for Veterinary Surgeons, requiring nothing beyond the signature of the animal's owner.

Though how you can "own" another sentient creature is a whole other discussion.

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Voluntary euthanasia Empty Re: Voluntary euthanasia

Post by Ivan Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:56 pm

As I just came to the site a few days ago
LOL. That's a good sign, Papaumau. You've been here for more than five weeks, so I guess time goes quickly when you're enjoying yourself! Very Happy

Enjoying herself is exactly what the mother of one of my neighbours wasn't doing during the last few weeks of her existence. 88 years old, after a massive heart attack and a stroke, she was unable to swallow any food and needed tubes down her nose and throat to provide sustenance. Eventually, her body wouldn't even take that, and she starved to death just under three weeks ago with only morphine going into her body.

Anyone keeping an animal alive in that condition would rightly be prosecuted for cruelty, yet human beings have had to suffer such appalling deaths because of the enduring influence of religion. Yes, there must be carefully designed safeguards in place, but euthanasia has to be an option for the terminally ill in a civilised society.
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Voluntary euthanasia Empty Re: Voluntary euthanasia

Post by Stox 16 Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:02 am

Papaumau wrote:
As I just came to the site a few days ago I have not managed to get round all of the topics here, and as such I hope that I am not resurrecting, ( excuse the pun ), a thread that has already been debated and exhausted.

Please accept my apologies if it has and I missed it !


As a non-religious person I find no problems connected with this idea so long as enough safe-guards are in place to ensure that the person who wants to die has good reason and is not being pressurised to do it. ( There are many reasons why this could happen ). Of course the person themselves should be of sound mind and not depressed either.

As I see it this is a matter for civil law and it does not have to be a matter for religion unless the person in the discussion wants it to be.

Sadly, I know that religion DOES have a big say here as many of the theists feel that we should all live within the rules that their theisms lay down.

I do not think that that is fair or reasonable as even although my time is a long ways off, ( I hope ), I also hope that I can be allowed self-determination when the time comes.

What do you good folks think of this idea ?



Hello Papaumau
Well its a interesting subject this...I am not against the idea myself...but there does need to be some sort of safe-guards put in place first as you rightly point out..not that the religious groups would agree to this...it will be interesting to see how many think this is OK or not..
Stox 16
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Voluntary euthanasia Empty Re: Voluntary euthanasia

Post by Phil Hornby Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:41 am

It is important that anyone who decides to end their life should formalise it in some way, so that their intentions were abundantly clear. There are far too many examples at Pease Pottage Conservative Club where those who have apparently committed the act still monopolise sofas in the Lounge Bar...
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Voluntary euthanasia Empty Re: Voluntary euthanasia

Post by oftenwrong Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:28 am

Ask to borrow their newspaper and you may find the suicide diagnosis a trifle premature.

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Voluntary euthanasia Empty Re: Voluntary euthanasia

Post by Papaumau Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:05 pm

I know that this is a "heavy" subject and one that many people steer away from as few of us want to face our own mortality, but I think that if it is discussed gently and without getting too hot-under-the-collar it can be discussed fully and deeply.

Of course, as has been said amusingly above, euthanasia IS already legal in Britain, but it seems that while the chattering classes will stand up for the putting of an animal "out of it's misery" this value is not available to humans if it is left to the religions of the world.

Sadly, as so-called secular governance of the country is still strongly influenced by the Christian and other churches we never get a truly unbiased debate about this subject in our parliaments.

Time and time again proposals have been made in different parliaments, including in my own Scottish Parliament for either supported suicide or for truly voluntary euthanasia in humans but every time that this subject is raised it is defeated in any democratic vote. ( I can only surmise that the people who have voted in this way have never watched one of their loved-ones dying slowly in pain and misery and without the minimum decency and dignity that would be given to a dog in the same circumstances ).

A very wise and active MSP in the Scottish Parliament, Margo MacDonald, has tried a number of times to get an "End of Life Assistance" Bill through to no avail. This past January she attempted to once again to bring up this Bill and she hopes that it might be more successful this time. As she is prematurely dying with Parkinson's-disease her time is fast running out. Read about her campaign [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]




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Voluntary euthanasia Empty Re: Voluntary euthanasia

Post by moonbeam Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:23 pm

I am absolutely in favor of human euthanasia as it relates to incurable/inoperable illness, or where there will be no quality of life expected. I know that I would like that option if I'm ever in the situation.

I think it's reprehensible that humans are forced to endure so much, simply because most governments don't think we're capable of deciding when enough is enough, or that we shouldn't have the right to make that decision. Insurance, too, won't pay benefits for suicide, as far as I know - though I could be wrong about that.

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Voluntary euthanasia Empty Re: Voluntary euthanasia

Post by astra Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:50 pm

I am in favour.
As long as safeguards are there, to stop relatives/creditors giving Dad/Grandad a push!

Of course, this depends on finding a doctor who is willing to oversee the proceedings (money raises it's head - Vets don't do it fer nowt) and instead of in the old days not so far gone, when the doctor left a tablet, or a draught by the water jug, this could start to prove costly. A lawyer may be needed in some cases, just to keep an eye on the Doctor. Then the insurance will want to have a nose around. The coroner and magistrate - now we are getting to a lot of expensive trades and none will perform for charity. A money making scam if ever.

Maybe the answer is to give Seal Team 6 (or our SAS) a run for their money. You know you have a good chance of losing any arguments with them!

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Voluntary euthanasia Empty Re: Voluntary euthanasia

Post by oftenwrong Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:12 pm

Exactly, the devil lies in the detail. A lot of Insurance companies are already excluding euthanasia from "Life Insurance" policies. The Medical Profession insists that it exists to preserve life, but the Legal Eagles already know that there can be a lot of money in the Dead.

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Voluntary euthanasia Empty Re: Voluntary euthanasia

Post by moonbeam Sun Mar 04, 2012 9:11 pm

I just ran across a thread on my own site, regarding mobile euthanasia units in the Netherlands. I'd forgotten all about it, but it's timely.

The article is here

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A brief snippet:

The program allows teams of doctors and nurses to visit very sick patients whose primary care physicians have refused end their lives, the Guardian reported. The Netherlands was the first country to legalize euthanasia in 2002.

The program, called Levenseinde, meaning “Life End,” was initiated by the world's largest euthanasia organization, with 130,000 members, based in the Netherlands. The mobile program is free to Dutch citizens.

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Voluntary euthanasia Empty Re: Voluntary euthanasia

Post by astra Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:02 pm

The word - 'FREE' is anathema to our UK politicians!

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Voluntary euthanasia Empty Re: Voluntary euthanasia

Post by oftenwrong Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:33 pm

It would be a pity if voluntary euthanasia depended upon ability to pay.

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