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Why do we select warrior gods who can only grow their religions by violence, instead of persuasion to a better way of life?

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Why do we select warrior gods who can only grow their religions by violence, instead of persuasion to a better way of life? Empty Why do we select warrior gods who can only grow their religions by violence, instead of persuasion to a better way of life?

Post by Greatest I am Sat Jun 17, 2017 6:37 pm

Why do we select warrior gods who can only grow their religions by violence, --- instead of persuasion to a better way of life?

Is our love of God and War connected due to being the epitomes of our love of drama?

People tend to do what is rewarding to them. We are a pleasure seeking species. War, as the epitome of drama, is a condition that humankind is forced to suffer because our instincts force us to seek the fittest. To us, that is either a god or a king; or whatever word or name you give to your epitome of whatever type.

Men controlled, by their two main passions, love and war and love of God as an ideal, have used war to seek a male God from the moment men set matriarchy aside 5,000 year ago.

We naturally seek the fittest and to us, that means we are driven to war.

We men are responsible for 5,000 years of advancing God with war.

Granted, we have used war with some skill and advanced society and its wealth, but we have yet to reach the ideals that matriarchy and Goddess rule reached. Not by a long shot. Wealth, when produced by war, is basically gained forcing the citizens to suffer. We lose both income and positive lifestyle, as well as; the more important, human lives.

Men get a fail mark in finding God and cannot do better from what women did before them. I think all real men of honor and duty would confess this reality.

A Gnostic Christian first recognized and coined the saying,” that for men to continue to do the same thing, while expecting a different result, is a sign of insanity”.

Greatest I am
Greatest I am

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Why do we select warrior gods who can only grow their religions by violence, instead of persuasion to a better way of life? Empty Re: Why do we select warrior gods who can only grow their religions by violence, instead of persuasion to a better way of life?

Post by snowyflake Mon Jul 03, 2017 9:42 pm

Why do you believe in any god? We are humans with superstitions and neurological episodes. Realise it. Stop pretending that there is anything 'out there'. There isn't. You can be a good person, a decent person that helps their community and that is all you need to do in this life. Anything else is death denial and selfishness.

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Why do we select warrior gods who can only grow their religions by violence, instead of persuasion to a better way of life? Empty Re: Why do we select warrior gods who can only grow their religions by violence, instead of persuasion to a better way of life?

Post by Greatest I am Tue Jul 04, 2017 4:26 pm

snowyflake wrote:Why do you believe in any god? We are humans with superstitions and neurological episodes. Realise it. Stop pretending that there is anything 'out there'. There isn't. You can be a good person, a decent person that helps their community and that is all you need to do in this life. Anything else is death denial and selfishness.

I do not believe in anything supernatural my friend.

The Jesus whose thinking I follow is the mystical esoteric one as his makes sense while the Roman created miracle worker does not.

The thinking I follow is exemplified by the following.

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

This link build onto this concept from a philosophical angle.


Greatest I am
Greatest I am

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Why do we select warrior gods who can only grow their religions by violence, instead of persuasion to a better way of life? Empty Re: Why do we select warrior gods who can only grow their religions by violence, instead of persuasion to a better way of life?

Post by Dr Sheldon Cooper PhD Tue Jul 04, 2017 6:49 pm

snowyflake wrote:Why do you believe in any god? We are humans with superstitions and neurological episodes. Realise it. Stop pretending that there is anything 'out there'. There isn't. You can be a good person, a decent person that helps their community and that is all you need to do in this life. Anything else is death denial and selfishness.

Well quite, I'm no more seduced to credulity by the numinous than I am by Harry Potter, and lets face it it's way better fiction than either the bible or the koran, even if it isn't my cup of tea. Cui bono after all, I mean can someone tell me one single demonstrable benefit theism can provide beyond a delusional placebo, that atheism can't?

Good to hear from you again Mrs S, hope you're well.
Dr Sheldon Cooper PhD
Dr Sheldon Cooper PhD

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