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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Cameron is obnoxious and loathsome

Post by Ivan Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:40 pm

First topic message reminder :

We were warned two years ago that Cameron is an obnoxious and loathsome individual, but not enough people were listening:-
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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Redflag Sun Jan 10, 2016 1:21 pm

Just another Tory BARE FACED from Davy boy and his shower of OINKS, I wish people would wake up and realise what they voted for in May 2015, maybe when the Universal credits come in plus the rest of what the Tories are doing to the UK turning it into a little America then heaven help us all.


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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by oftenwrong Sun Jan 10, 2016 10:32 pm

Universal Credits is an accident looking for somewhere to happen, I think, Redflag.

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Redflag Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:50 am

Spot on OW but there will be worse to come all to do with housing for council tenants, not forgetting stopping the Unoins from taking there members out on strike also stopping them from giving the Labour party donations from there members.

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Ivan Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:49 pm

"Any cabinet minister, if we win the election, who comes to me and says ‘here are my plans and they involve front line reductions’, will be sent back to their department to go away and think again." (Cameron, ‘Marr’ show, 02/05/10)

Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Fire_s10
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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Redflag Sat Jan 23, 2016 10:53 am

IVAN This proves that Davy boy is the cheif LIAR of the Tory party, they pay high wages for there advisors to think up more LIES so Davy boy and his OINKS can repeat them in the HOC.

If the UK public do not wake up soon there will be NO UK in 2020, we will then be just little America plucked and ready for the USA to take us over. The only way to stop it is to act now either a general strike or Revelution French style i know some people here will throw up there hands and be appalled at my suggestion if this does not happen now believe me it will after people have woken up and smelt the coffee.

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Ivan Sat Jan 23, 2016 1:08 pm

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Redflag Sat Jan 23, 2016 5:50 pm

That is an easy answer Ivan as far as I can see all FOUR are promises Davy boy made and broke them soon as he was in power but what is really nasty he had no intent on keeping those promises.

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Ivan Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:37 pm

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Ivan Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:56 pm

Cameron 'considers private school' for son - despite saying his children should be state educated

Cameron could send his son to an £18,000-a-year private school, despite saying he wanted his children to be state educated. Before he reached Number 10, the Old Etonian said public-funded education was the answer and described shelling out for private school as "crazy".

Labour MP Anna Turley said: "I think it's hypocritical as he's made an issue of it in the past. What's good enough for our children in the state sector obviously isn't good enough for his. He's quite happy to make the most of it when it's advantageous for him, but now he knows he hasn't got to face another election he can do what he likes scot-free."

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Redflag Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:32 am

It just proves the schooling that he is providing for plebs kids is so inferior, or is he just showing off because what he will be paying in school fees some people do not earn that in a year thanks to him and his nasty gov't.

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Penderyn Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:56 am

The tories can offer very large lies which keep the mugs momentarily contented and, most of all, spite, which substitutes for their emotional lives.

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Redflag Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:56 am

There is a saying "You can fool some of the people some of the time But you can not fool all the people All of the time"

So when in Gods name are the people of the UK going to wake up and smell the bloody coffee Penderyn

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by bobby Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:44 pm

The thing is Red, because of the lack of visible opposition, Herr Cameron has got away with his lies and deceit for so long, he now knows he can continue doing the same in the certain knowledge Labour are too busy infighting  instead of fighting him.
The Tory filth have had a very easy run for coming up to 6 Years, despite open goal after open goal opportunities for labour to unmask the swine, and let the Public know what is going on and the potential consequences.

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Redflag Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:01 pm

BOBBY How bloody right your post is, the reason for the infighting within the Labour party is because certain Labour MPs can not get past the fact that there3 chosen candidate did not win could it be that there candidate promised them a top Ministerial job?

By the way bobby if you want the truth about what is going on in UK politics I suggest you watch the RT channel because we get EFF ALL from the BBC or Sky news, there are a couple of good programs on one of which is Max Keiser giving us the low down on how Osborne is robbing us blind of our public services by selling them off to his mates in the City of London, or GOING UNDERGROUND which tells us the WHEASES Osborne is creating for his City of London mates.

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Ivan Mon Feb 08, 2016 9:32 pm

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Redflag Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:43 pm

Your picture says it all Ivan, honesty is definitely not in the Tory VOCABUARY but BARE FACED LIES are.

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Ivan Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:37 am

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Redflag Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:44 am

Spot on Ivan your picture says all that needs to be said, it also shows how his parents brought him up which I would call "DRAGGED UP"

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Ivan Fri Mar 25, 2016 4:26 pm

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by oftenwrong Fri Mar 25, 2016 6:22 pm

There will be full consultation with interested parties before any decision is reached.

Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Th?&id=OIP.M19be4b6150156c29dcdddbc7311f3a62o0&w=184&h=184&c=0&pid=1

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Ivan Thu Mar 31, 2016 11:59 pm

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Ivan Sat May 14, 2016 1:40 pm

Post-truth politicians such as Donald Trump and Boris Johnson are no joke

From an article by Jonathan Freedland:-

The Washington Post’s fact-checker blog has awarded its maximum dishonesty rating – four Pinocchios – to nearly 70% of the Trump statements it has vetted. And it’s vetted a lot. That doesn’t mean the other 30% turned out to be true, they just earned three Pinocchios. Trump is in a league of his own, but this week Boris Johnson reminded us that he has more in common with Trump than just a lovingly styled, idiosyncratic head of blond hair. He ventured to Cornwall to climb aboard the Brexit battlebus, a vehicle which was itself guilty of a lie. Emblazoned on the side was the slogan: “We send the EU £350 million a week”.

Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Brexit10

Cameron’s recent speech focused on the national security implications of a Brexit. Johnson hit back: “I think all this talk of world war three and bubonic plague is demented, frankly.” And who could disagree? And yet a scan of the text of Cameron’s speech yields no results for either “bubonic” or “world war three”. Who was it, then, that introduced “all this talk” of such perils? It was Johnson himself.

Johnson has been sacked twice, and on both occasions it was for dishonesty. When it comes to Europe, Johnson’s career was all but built on wilful distortion. All those comedy stories of EU directives demanding square strawberries and smaller condoms were inserted into the public domain by the Telegraph’s Brussels correspondent in the 1990s, one Boris Johnson. As a former colleague, Sarah Helm, has recalled: “Johnson’s half-truths created a new reality … correspondents witnessed Johnson shaping the narrative that morphed into our present-day populist Euroscepticism”.

For the whole article:-

The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” (George Orwell)
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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by oftenwrong Sat May 14, 2016 7:23 pm

For me reading that, a telling phrase is, ".... Technology now allows politicians to communicate directly with their followers, with no need to transmit claims through the fact-checking filter of a news organisation."

also, "The BBC for all its flaws, has retained the status .... broadly trusted to play umpire between competing claims on the truth."


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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Ivan Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:55 pm

Despite claims to the contrary, Andrea Leadsom has no experience as an investment banker......  No

Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Leadso10
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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by boatlady Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:06 am

Another unqualified Tory 'expert' - bit like Gideon
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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by oftenwrong Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:03 am

Now who was the other prominent Tory found to have massaged his CV a bit?

The Woodford Green MP Iain Duncan Smith has said he is backing energy minister Andrea Leadsom to become Conservative Party leader.

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Ivan Mon Aug 22, 2016 11:24 am

Theresa May wants to adopt the spirit of Team GB "excellence", despite the Tories being gold medalists in mediocrity.

Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Tory_m11
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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by oftenwrong Mon Aug 22, 2016 5:45 pm

The evidence has always been there that a Tory administration looks after only itself and its natural supporters. Sometimes they overcook it, and in the past have been temporarily supplanted by the only possible alternative under our Parliamentary system. Tweedledum and Tweedledee Government.

But now there appears a glimmer of hope for a sensible alternative in the shape of a humane Opposition, are The Establishment going to be allowed to extinguish it?


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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by boatlady Mon Aug 22, 2016 7:19 pm

From where I'm standing, it looks like they will be successful - apparently the PLP will continue the opposition to the leader even after Corbyn wins the vote (if he does - many will vote Smith to avoid the war of attrition)
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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by oftenwrong Mon Aug 22, 2016 7:37 pm

Yes, boatlady, the "least-worst" election choice. (Discussed elsewhere on Cutting Edge). But there may yet be sufficient informed voters to avert the usual bland elisions. We'll know by the time the Labour Party Annual Conference convenes in Liverpewl.

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by oftenwrong Mon Sep 12, 2016 4:32 pm

Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? Well yes, it seems. We shan't be hearing any more from that c-c-c- Cameron.

(excuse the stutter)

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by boatlady Mon Sep 12, 2016 9:00 pm

Apparently he said it was 'the right thing to do' - that means whatever he thinks will best serve his own interests, doesn't it?
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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by oftenwrong Mon Sep 12, 2016 10:26 pm

Always has done. Most likely some Financial Institution has offered Dave a seat on its Board.

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by boatlady Tue Sep 13, 2016 10:54 am

I prefer to imagine him as an obscenely well paid arms salesman - all our PM's seem VERY invested in the notion of armed conflict
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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by oftenwrong Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:31 pm

In accordance with The Law of Unintended Consequences the date for the by-election in the Oxfordshire constituency which Cameron held for 15 years has been set for 20 October, and the same date has also been confirmed for the by-election in Batley and Spen after the death of Labour MP Jo Cox just days before the EU referendum.

Are the voters going to continue the recently established trend of confounding the pundits, I wonder?


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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Will the May government bite the hands that feed it?

Post by oftenwrong Fri Sep 16, 2016 7:55 pm

MPs to launch inquiry into corporate excess

Boardroom excess and corporate governance were themes raised by May in her bid for the Conservative leadership after the EU referendum and one that she is expected to continue in her role as prime minister.

Yeah, right.



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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by boatlady Sat Sep 17, 2016 9:33 am

I imagine, after a searching and detailed analysis, they will come to the conclusion that boardroom pay and perks are totally reasonable and proportionate
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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Ivan Fri Jul 28, 2017 11:16 am

Before the 2015 election, Harriet Harman was asked a question about taxation during a phone-in. Her reply was that because they are more prosperous, middle class people should pay more tax than members of the working class. Within an hour or two, that dishonest little creep Grant Shapps (who used an alias when running an internet business) twisted her comment into “Labour says the middle class should pay more tax”.

Something similar has happened over Jeremy Corbyn’s comments about already accumulated student debt. He has never promised to wipe it out, but the Tories and their media poodles are determined to make that lie stick in the minds of the general public. This is what Corbyn actually said:-

Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Jeremy10
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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Ivan Fri Jul 28, 2017 1:43 pm

No, Corbyn did not ‘pledge to abolish student debt’

Jeremy Corbyn has been accused of U-turning on a pledge to scrap student debt. But that’s not true. The story comes from a single quote plucked from a longer interview.

When read in context, rather than promising to wipe out all student debts, the Labour leader actually admitted that he didn’t have any simple answers to the issue yet. It’s true that he promised to “deal” with the problem of people who are “burdened with student debt”. But this was just one sentence from a much longer interview.

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Ivan Thu Aug 24, 2017 7:48 am

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Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies? - Page 19 Empty Re: Do the Tories have anything to offer us other than myths and lies?

Post by Ivan Wed Oct 11, 2017 11:24 pm

There was a time when a minister lying to the House of Commons meant he had to resign both from the government and from Parliament, as the late John Profumo found out in 1963. Not so nowadays, sadly.

Jeremy Hunt admits making false claims in the House of Commons - but refuses to apologise

He inflated the increase in mental health workers in the NHS by 43 times, boasting that there are 30,000 more people working in mental health today than when Labour left office. The correct figure, according to Channel 4 News’ FactCheck, is an increase of just 692 people. The increase has been largely driven by a rise in the number of psychotherapists in the NHS, while the number of mental health nurses has dropped by more than 5,000 since 2010.

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