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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Grass an immigrant day?

Post by tlttf Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:30 pm

If the government really want people to inform them of known illegal immigrants, shouldn't they pay a bounty of say £10,000 per dozen grassed. Not only would it possibly lower the cost of public services, it would also create a boom in jobs. Just think of the growth possibilities for public sector workers to start their own business> Very Happy


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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by astra Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:55 pm

inform them of known illegal immigrants


Weel That's Me then!

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by witchfinder Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:36 pm

Mr Cameron wants to get tough on ilegal immigrants - very popular policy for the Tory "hang em and flog em" brigade, so what exactly is Mr Cameron doing to get tough on ilegal immigration. ?

Well for a start off he is cutting the budget of the UK Border Agency by about 20%, that should do the trick.

And just incase that dosent work, he is getting the public to do the UK Border Agencies work for them, for nothing, by grassing on suspects.

I can see it now - ladies Conservative chairperson "Mrs Helena Boffington Smythe" calls the agency, she always wanted that Indian take-away in the next street closed down, how dare foreigners open a smelly food shop in her nice suburb.

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by Phil Hornby Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:06 pm

One imagines that even the onion bhajis at the Pease Pottage Delicatessen will be under suspicion.

( Hmmmm...'delicatessen' doesn't seem a very English word either, come to think of it...) Rolling Eyes
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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by gator Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:40 pm

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by the term "grassed" but I assume that it has something to do with discovering who these illegals are and booting their collective butts out of the country. Am I close?
In Canada, PM Harper and his gang has embarked on a similar mission. It was discovered that there are about three thousand people who are wandering around in this country who are here illegally AND who have heavy prices on their heads for crimes committed in other countries. They are being rounded up and given the boot. I don't have a problem with this. Let them face the consequences of their actions where they committed their crimes. Of course, the namby-pambys in our country are saying that we should try them here. Well, there are several things wrong with that approach, the first of which is that they have already been tried and found guilty somewhere else. The second is that it would be impossible to replicate the trial scenario in their home countries. How would we get all of the witnesses and lawyers and judges etc over here? And once they came, would they be willing to go back again? Sometimes yes. Sometimes no.
In any event, it is difficult to find any sympathy for someone who has already been tried and convicted for multiple murders, for rape, for kiddie rape, for selling hard illegal drugs etc. Society does have a few rights that supercede the rights of individuals.

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by bobby Tue Oct 11, 2011 4:58 pm

Hello Gator, The tern to Grass is to give someone up to the authorities, or even a villain in order to reap a bit of retribution. It is akin to what the Germans in Nazi times were encouraged to do to the Jews. We all know what happened to the Jews. The problem as I see it, is just as did with the Germans so will the British, everyone with a personal grievance with a neighbour will be calling the authoritative body, saying that so and so is an illegal immigrant, although most will be able to prove they are not, they will have suffered a great deal of inconvenience. Again just like Nazi Germany whole areas will be under a cloud of fear. Well done you Tory Nazi bastards, nothing less than I would have expected.

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by gator Tue Oct 11, 2011 11:55 pm

Thanks for the explanation Bobby. I wasn't too far off for a guess. One of the key differences that I see between this "grassing" someone and our method of doing it is that in Canada, these people are already well known and wanted criminals in other juristictions. Even if the guy was your next door neighbour, he is still a criminal in some other juristiction. I don't feel the least bit sorry for them if they get caught and deported. Hell, one of them even tried to do some pimping while he was in Canada and he had a rap sheet as long as your arm to begin with. People like that are not salvagable.
OTOH, just ratting on someone because he/she made you angry is a different kettle of fish and I don't think that is such a good idea. In fact, it really stinketh up the place.

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by Phil Hornby Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:21 pm

Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSBZsNvwCd8MqcxuucVEhfCsmafNPjhf_Ox9S3csf4j1MKdsTjdow ( blogs. telegraph.uk)

" I am deporting you, Kenneth..."

" You can't ,you bossy old trout- I own a cat..."
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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by gator Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:23 pm

Mr. Hornby, you should know better than that. No one OWNS a cat. Haven't you heard that old adage - "Dogs have masters. Cats have staff?"     Shocked

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by astra Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:56 pm

Dogs have masters??

tell THAT to him on the left - Clyde

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by gator Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:34 pm

I dunno Astra. My daughter's FIL had a dog that wandered in one day and adopted them. Experts told him that it looked like about half wolf and half German shepherd. The think looked like it wanted to rip your face off but, if the truth be told, it was just about the biggest mushpot for a hundred miles around. Great old dog.

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by Farley Mon Oct 24, 2011 6:47 pm

Gator wrote:
the first of which is that they have already been tried and found guilty somewhere else.
In most cases they have not been tried at all, actually.

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by oftenwrong Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:47 pm

In today's House of Commons vote on a European Referendum, there were more votes against the Government than the Coalition's nominal majority.

Cameron 0 - Little Englanders 3

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by Ivan Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:07 pm

Are there no depths to which the Tories won’t sink? Theresa May, the Home Secretary in this incompetent Tory-dominated government, has admitted that in July she personally authorised the relaxation of border controls. May was also forced to admit to the Commons she would never know how many people had been allowed into the UK without proper checks. Evidence has since emerged which suggests she gave officials the discretion to loosen the rules still further.

No doubt the relaxation of controls was necessary because of staff shortages resulting from Osborne’s drastic spending review. And what was Mrs May’s reaction when she was found out? To suspend three senior members of the Border Agency. Whatever happened to “the buck stops here”?

Just as John Major’s lousy government stopped checks on people leaving the country in the 1990s – which meant there was no way of knowing how many bogus students remained here – so once again the Tories have shown that they talk tough on immigration controls and behave in a quite contrary fashion.

Writing for ‘The Guardian’, Alan Travis said:-

May came under pressure when the Shadow Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, produced an internal UK Border Agency operational memo in the Commons as evidence that May had "given the green light for weaker controls" despite insisting that senior officials had been acting without ministerial authorisation.

The leaked UKBA interim operational instruction dated 28 July 2011, which is believed have been signed off by Home Office ministers, sets out the agreed measures then clearly states: "If, for whatever reason, it is considered necessary to take further measures, beyond those listed above, local managers must escalate to the Border Force Duty Director to seek authority for their proposed action”.

Cooper told May that instruction demonstrated that instead of strengthening Britain's border controls, she had decided to water them down as official government policy, even though she had not told Parliament. "She has blamed officials for relaxing the checks further than she intended. But she gave the green light for weaker controls … a green light to experiment with watering down rather than increasing border controls”, Cooper said.

Two further leaked emails from July show that immigration officers at Heathrow were ordered to stop routinely asking questions of visa holders – ie non-EU nationals – and evidence that the secretly relaxed vetting regime was linked to staffing shortages.

For the full article:-

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by oftenwrong Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:24 am

Interestingly, the "softer" instructions followed civil disorder at Heathrow in the Summer, when Police had to intervene among incoming passengers objecting to queuing for three hours in the Arrivals Hall. (If you've seen it, you'll understand their distress).

The Coalition is going to have to get used to repeated public protests.

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by jackthelad Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:49 am

Theresa May will huff and puff for a few days, they all do it, then fall on her sword, she will follow Fox. The trouble with the Tories they are so engrossed in making cuts, they never think about the fall out these cuts cause. They don't have a clue how many terrorists, gangsters, and spongers they have let into the country. I do think though the Tories and Lib/Dems are a bigger threat to the country than any terrorist.

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by astra Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:14 pm

Would love to be standing next to May's shredder right now!!

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by astradt1 Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:32 pm

How many Terroist attacks have taken place in Britian by people who did not have a British or EU passport?

Anyone noticed that while Tessa is trying to fend off attack over this passport issue, the government has quietly announced that she has given the Police permission to use 'Rubber Bullets' should 'Trouble' break out at the Student Fee's Protest (Anti-Government Protest)

Tuition Fee Protest: Rubber Bullets 'Available' For Use, Says Scotland Yard

Rubber bullets may be used at the tuition fees protest on Wednesday in cases of "extreme" disorder, which would be the first time they have been fired on British mainland soil.


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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by oftenwrong Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:40 pm

Political commentators who had pencilled-in the Gordon Brown administration as Britain's most unpopular government ever, are now trying to remember where they left the eraser.

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by bobby Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:47 pm

Why is everyone so worried about Theresa May, her possition is absolutely safe, as she has the full support of David Cameron, just like a certain Mr Fox and Mr Coulson.

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by Ivan Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:20 pm

Brodie Clark, the Head of the UK Border Agency, has quit over the relaxed passport check row, accusing Theresa May of misleading the public. He says that he plans to lodge a claim for constructive dismissal.

Full story:-
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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by Phil Hornby Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:33 pm

Hats off to Sir Gerald Kaufman in the Commons today. Of all the attacks on Theresa May , his was by far the most potent ( calling her : "arrogant and indolent" three times!!). So much so that the Tories bleated pitifully about it! The brilliance of Sir Gerald's torpedo was closely followed in different ways by highly effective thrusts from Jack Straw and Alan Johnson. Well done all!

In addition, Kaufman had a terrific snipe at the LibDems' hypocrisy over immigration, and Tories in general, of whom he implied no honour could ever be expected under any circumstances.

We need more of this to warm us as winter approaches...! Very Happy
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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by oftenwrong Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:58 pm

Let us now praise famous Coalition governments for everything they have achieved.


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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by Ivan Wed Nov 09, 2011 7:57 pm

oftenwrong wrote:-
Let us now praise famous Coalition governments for everything they have achieved.
Or maybe we could revive Bruce Kent's pressure group from the 1990s known as GROT - Get Rid Of Them!
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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by tlttf Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:59 am

Weird world, the coalition is self destructing, yet nobody wants a return to the Labour party!


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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by oftenwrong Thu Nov 10, 2011 12:28 pm

Perhaps not QUITE true. Might as well extract a small pleasure in the meantime from watching the Tory-led Coalition self-destruct, as was always inevitable.

Then the Labour movement can quietly set about completing unfinished business.

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by astra Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:04 pm

I DO hope you mean Labour as opposed to "new labour", OW?

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by oftenwrong Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:24 pm

"Labour" as opposed to "A Party led by a dangerously deluded and incompetent overweight one-eyed nonentity," is what I intended to convey.

Do not hesitate to ask, if you think I can be any clearer.

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by astra Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:12 pm

Nope,, does it fer me Twisted Evil

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by astra Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:14 pm

I got an echo echo on my stereo, or is it quadrophonic? Embarassed

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by oftenwrong Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:26 pm

That may be the Dirac effect. All messages sent electronically continuously circle the Universe, and will eventually return to their source.

If you hear the morse-code letter "G" it will just be the early Marconi experiment transmitting from Cornwall to the New World. Nothing to worry about.

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by Ivan Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:10 pm

tlttf wrote:-
Weird world, the coalition is self destructing, yet nobody wants a return to the Labour party!.
Nobody?? According to YouGov today, it's LAB 42%, CON 35%, LIB DEMS 8% and UKIP 7%.
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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by astra Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:25 pm

[quThat may be the Dirac effect. All messages sent electronically continuously circle the Universe, and will eventually return to their source.

Thought you wrote Doric - the Aberdonian dialect phew!

I blame the Andromedans - send Rock to sort them out!

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by Ivan Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:45 am

Getting back to the subject of the thread, it transpires that Theresa May told the Border Agency not to check incoming private planes. Why? Because their owners are probably Tories and maybe rich enough to be substantial donors to the nasty party? I wonder how many kilos of cocaine have come into the country unchecked on private planes?
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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by Phil Hornby Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:26 pm

Interesting - if nauseating - to note that, on the Commons Select Committee questioning Brodie Clark today, we see worried Tory members desperately trying to find or make excuses for Theresa May. They appear to have 'orders from above'. If framing Clark is what it takes to save May, then they would have no hesitation in hanging the chap out to dry for something he didn't do.

It can come as no surprise that the disgusting Conservative machine will be prepared to take any steps - however lacking in fairness or honesty they may be - to protect their own. It is, after all, what singles the Tories out from decent people...

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by Phil Hornby Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:13 pm

Rob Whiteman Speaks Out

Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSsHrh-m0BFJyOq7ZMa449wMot4jybLr2KZ3q7rqC8DyvO1gTuO ( whiteman.jpg)

" Of course, I'd love to tell you all the truth , but I have this overwhelming desire to keep my job...."
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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by Phil Hornby Wed Nov 16, 2011 8:00 am

Famous Couples

Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSRUmXSCv0lZSJOiXwMkHaY8AIZEwGkqC2kzkekREiIcJPSpt2w( thecircuitarchive.com)

Bodie and Doyle

Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ6Gh0BtFB5Txf3G8ZhcbC-WCp_Y7eVNHt7CX6iFUx3HIDKsvY1(huffingtonpost.co.uk)

Brodie and Disloyal
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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by astra Wed Nov 16, 2011 3:52 pm

With all the money Theresa May earns, I am sure she could afford to visit a decent hairdresser.

If ONE of my female train drivers turned up for work in the above state, she would have been sent home for bringing the company into disrepute. Drivers are STILL being sent home for wearing THE WRONG COLOUR SOCKS for gawd's sakes!

Another case of MPs NOT cutting the mustard!

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Re: Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out?

Post by oftenwrong Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:31 pm

It is now apparent that decisions were made at a Local level at Heathrow which had probably never been specifically agreed in detail by ANY government minister. A previous Home Secretary said that the Immigration system was "not fit for purpose", so the probable outcome now will be to hand the entire operation to Group 4 Security or Serco.

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Should Cabinet exit controls be relaxed so that Theresa May can be kicked out? Empty Is Theresa May fit for purpose?

Post by astradt1 Thu Nov 24, 2011 6:07 pm

Hot on the heals of the fiasco over the not checking passports and visa's at British Airport's for which Tessa blamed everyone else she has now hand British Boarder control to a French firm........Reason, to cut costs.......

'Bungling' French firm replaces British staff guarding our borders

Home Secretary Theresa May has handed Eamus Cork Solutions (ECS) a £7.1 million deal for the frontline responsibility of searching lorries and buses entering the UK.

The job of searching for immigrants, smugglers or terror suspects at the checkpoint in Dunkirk usually falls to UK Border Agency (UKBA) staff, who are, unsurprisingly, disappointed by the move, calling it 'cheap and a threat to national security'.

To make matters worse, the ECS has also recently come under fire for a series of blunders, including allowing immigrants to escape a detention centre and guards sleeping on duty.


Is she Fit For Purpose?

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